Mind Life

How can counselling
help you?

Our minds are constantly ticking with thought and making sense of everything may not always be possible, and when we become tangled in our own thought is when we can seek help.

I focus on helping people with anxiety, depression, public speaking & social anxiety.  You may have lost all purpose and not sure where to go.  You maybe anxious, addicted or lost someone or an aspect of life that overwhelms you. I can help you find hope and  determine meaning in your life again.  I can help fill the voids you are experiencing, joining you to understand the depths of your emotions.

“I help people who have lost hope in their life, who are feeling a sense of sadness & confusion they cannot make sense of.”  

Mind Life uses an array of therapies and will focus on your current strengths and abilities to determine solutions you may feel were beyond reach.  This is Mind Life Counselling, and how I can help you.  Mind Life specialises in:

Anxiety & Indecision, 

Depression & Apathy, 

Low Self-Esteem

Workplace Burnout, 

Loss & Bereavement 

Substance Addiction

Transition & Trauma

Make The Call

All sessions are held through the convenience of Zoom. ("Google Meet") Contact me to make an arrangement that suits your needs.